IQ Samhällsbyggnad provides a meeting place for development-oriented individuals in business, public service and academia. We initiate actual projects as well as long-term research and innovation (R&I) programmes, and arrange meetings, seminars and workshops at local, national and European level. We advocate strongly for the built environment sector in its joint efforts to influence the Swedish government and the EU in R&I issues, and we also act as a catalyst in the R&I activities of our members.

Advocating for the sector in R&I issues

IQ Samhällsbyggnad comprises approximately 100 members from across the built environment sector. Our breadth allows us to advocate for the entire sector and to engage politicians, authorities and the media. The larger our membership is, the more robust our advocacy for built environment and R&I issues can be, hence our members benefit the whole industry.


Please contact us if you have questions or inquiries.

Membership in IQ Samhällsbyggnad brings both short-term and long-term benefits. Our members can receive advice in how to progress in tangible, everyday R&I issues. In the longer term, our membership contributes strategic value in terms of strengthening the development of businesses and organisations through IQ Samhällsbyggnad’s unique network and activities.

Project and programme co-ordination

IQ Samhällsbyggnad also serves as a platform, co-ordinator and partner in multidisciplinary projects and programmes in the built environment sector on behalf of the authorities, the IQS membership and the EU. The goals of these projects and programmes vary over time, but the desire to create value for our members underpins all our project and programme commitments.

In addition, we administer BIM Alliance, the joint sectoral association, and E2B2, a multi-year research programme for energy-efficient building and living in collaboration with Energimyndigheten (Swedish Energy Agency).

We also co-ordinate Smart Built Environment, a 12-year Strategic Innovation Agenda for digitalization in the built environment, and we are involved in JPI Urban Europe, which aims to develop European solutions to urban challenges through co-ordinated research.