Utlysningen resulterade i ett högt antal ansökningar, något som visar på ett betydande intresse för samarbete mellan Kina och Europa när det kommer till globala urbana utmaningar. Bland de antagna projekten finns två som har svenska forskare från Chalmers, Lunds universitet och Svenska Miljöinstitutet.
Följande projekt har blivit antagna:
MAAT: Multi-faceted valuation and administration of access to housing and transportation
SIRIUS: Sustainable, Innovative, Resilient, and Interconnected Urban food System
SIMETRI: Sustainable Mobility and Equality in mega-city Regions
STEP-UP: Socio-Techno-Economic Pathways for sustainable Urban energy development
U-PASS: Urban Public Administration and Services innovation for Innovative Urban Mobility Management and Policy
Financing Clean Air: The potential of Land Value Capture to secure sustainable urban development supporting air quality enhancement
NBS-Sustain-Urb: Sponge Cities within airshed and river basin management: integrating nature-based solutions to create sustainable places
SMUrTS: Sustainable mixed urban transit system with electric and conventional buses
RECREATE: Resource nexus for transformation to circular, resilient, and liveable cities in the context of climate change
HERMES: Integrated evaluation of energy saving, emission reduction potential and management strategies for urban road systems
UNCNET – Urban nitrogen cycles: new economy thinking to master the challenges of climate change
Läs mer om utlysningen på JPI Urban Europes hemsida